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Welcome to the Wasilla Main Street Rehabilitation project website!

Project Introduction

Project Purpose & Need
Improving local mobility for people and freight

  • Improve Travel Efficiency – increase traffic circulation, decrease delays, increase north-south corridor connectivity

  • Reduce Congestion – reduce intersection delay

  • Enhances Safety – reduce crash rates, minimize railroad conflicts, separate pedestrians and bicyclists from traffic stream

The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF), in cooperation with theFederal Highway Administration (FHWA), proposes to improve mobility by reconstructing Main Street and nearby roadways in downtown Wasilla.  FHWA approved the Final Environmental Assessment and signed a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) in December 2013. The design team completed 95% design in July 2024 and is now working towards final design. Visit the Project Overview page to read more about the project.

95% and the 85%-90% Design Plans are available on the Project Documents Page.

Project Overview Project area Map

The project team is moving forward with design on the preferred alternative established in the Environmental Assessment phase of the project. 

The proposed design will construct a one-way couplet to improve north-south traffic flow within Wasilla's historic town center. Main Street and Knik-Goose Bay (KGB) Road will service southbound traffic, while improvements and new extensions of Talkeetna and Yenlo Streets will serve northbound traffic. The northern project boundary will be Bogard Road, and the Palmer Wasilla Highway will be the southern boundary. Additional work includes enhancements to intersections, drainage, and pedestrian/bicycle facilities. Improvements will also be made to the Parks Highway within the project area, with a new at-grade intersection at Yenlo/Talkeetna Street.

Since the environmental document was approved in late 2013, DOT&PF has completed “Plans-in-Hand” or 65% design, PS&E or 95% design was completed in July 2024, and the team is continuing to ahead to final design. DOT&PF is nearing completion of the appraisal and acquisition process for right of way (ROW). The Wasilla Main Street Rehabilitation Project anticipates construction in the 2025 -2026 timeframe.

Project Typical Sections

Main Street: Parks looking at Main Street

Main Street: Downtown district

Yenlo: North of Parks highway

KGB: looking north

Main Street visualization

Yenlo visualization